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Construction Market Research




Specializing in the competitive analysis of construction aggregates markets, principally for:

    • Acquisitions
    • Divestitures
    • Strategic Planning
    • Quarry Valuations
    • Capital Expansions

Founded in 1991, Construction Market Research has conducted confidential studies of aggregate markets throughout the United States. Jane Snyder, President, has more than twenty years of experience in aggregates market research.

Description of Studies

Aggregate market studies profile the supply and demand of construction aggregates at the local level, including:

    • Historical Trends
    • Competitive Analysis
    • Customer Profiles
    • Demographic Trends
    • Economic Outlook

Reports typically include competitive, demographic, and economic information, both historical and projected. Each study may emphasize one or more subject areas, depending upon the client's information needs and the unique features of the specific marketplace. Competitive information includes estimated production, company strengths and weaknesses, major customers, and inter-company relationships. The availability of detailed company production statistics varies from state to state. The history of the local economy, building and non-building construction activity, and an analysis of the market area's economic outlook are of particular importance. Overall, the market research study provides an analysis of the current market-place, describing what happened in the past, what it is like today, and what is planned for the future.

Sources of information include reports from various state, regional and local government agencies, economic and business development bureaus, and trade associations. Primary research is essential; personal interviews are conducted as needed. Construction Market Research has an extensive in-house library, including a number of computer databases and computer mapping capability.

The time required for a comprehensive market study is principally a function of the size and diversity of the company, the number of competitors, and the availability of information. Contracts are typically fixed price. All client information is held strictly confidential.

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