ð¯¼Cd class=xl2720981 x:num="159000">159,000
2002 U.S. Construction Aggregates, Sold or Used by Producers
Stone = Crushed Stone     S & G = Construction Sand & Gravel
State Thousand Metric Tons Thousand Short Tons Thousand Dollars
Stone S & G   TotalAgg Stone S & G   TotalAgg Stone   S & G   TotalAgg
Alabama 43,400 12,500 55,900 47,840 13,779 61,619 262,000 56,700 318,700
Alaska 1,280 16,300 17,580 1,411 17,968 19,379 6,960 93,400 100,360
Arizona 8,450 53,800 62,250 9,315 59,304 68,619 51,800 294,000 345,800
Arkansas 30,800 8,810 39,610 33,951 9,711 43,663 45,600 204,600
California 67,400 151,000 218,400 74,296 166,449 240,745 423,000 1,110,000 1,533,000
Colorado 15,000 40,700 55,700 16,535 44,864 61,399 96,000 222,000 318,000
Connecticut 10,200 8,140 18,340 11,244 8,973 20,216 85,300 48,800 134,100
Delaware (5)  2,190 2,190 (5)  2,414 2,414 --  17,300 17,300
D.C. --  --  --  --  --  --  --  --  -- 
Florida 97,700 26,400 124,100 107,696 29,101 136,797 573,000 114,000 687,000
Georgia 69,100 6,600 75,700 76,170 7,275 83,445 454,000 27,200 481,200
Hawaii 6,380 610 6,990 7,033 672 7,705 65,100 7,010 72,110
Idaho 3,420 15,700 19,120 3,770 17,306 21,076 15,800 5,770 21,570
Illinois 75,200 32,000 107,200 82,894 35,274 118,168 431,000 146,000 577,000
Indiana 55,500 27,600 83,100 61,178 30,424 91,602 268,000 122,000 390,000
35,900 14,600 50,500 39,573 16,094 55,667 194,000 62,300 256,300
Kansas 21,700 9,560 31,260 23,920 10,538 34,458 107,000 28,700 135,700
Kentucky 50,600 9,530 60,130 55,777 10,505 66,282 302,000 37,900 339,900
Louisiana (6, 7)  17,900 17,900 (6, 7)  19,731 19,731 --  96,800 96,800
Maine 4,010 9,680 13,690 4,420 10,670 15,091 23,400 40,400 63,800
Maryland 22,300 12,200 34,500 24,582 13,448 38,030 141,000 83,500 224,500
Massachusetts 13,800 12,200 26,000 15,212 13,448 28,660 107,000 75,300 182,300
Michigan 41,100 77,300 118,400 45,305 85,209 130,514 170,000 267,000 437,000
Minnesota 9,960 43,700 53,660 10,979 48,171 59,150 57,600 175,000 232,600
Mississippi 2,620 13,600 16,220 2,888 14,991 17,879 27,900 73,200 101,100
Missouri 74,100 10,000 84,100 81,681 11,023 92,704 380,000 42,300 422,300
Montana 2,370 16,700 19,070 2,612 18,409 21,021 10,000 76,000 86,000
Nebraska 7,220 12,900 20,120 7,959 14,220 22,179 53,200 44,200 97,400
Nevada 8,010 35,400 43,410 8,830 39,022 47,851 41,900 159,000 200,900
New Hampshire 4,730 8,640 13,370 5,214 9,524 14,738 24,100 41,600 65,700
New Jersey 20,500 16,000 36,500 22,597 17,637 40,234 127,000 96,300 223,300
New Mexico 3,680 12,800 16,480 4,057 14,110 18,166 23,300 62,600 85,900
New York 56,500 29,800 86,300 62,281 32,849 95,129 391,000 158,000 549,000
North Carolina 62,900 10,000 72,900 69,335 11,023 80,358 451,000 50,700 501,700
North Dakota (5, 7)  10,700 10,700 (5, 7)  11,795 11,795 (5, 7)  27,900 27,900
Ohio 72,600 48,700 121,300 80,028 53,683 133,710 329,000 250,000 579,000
Oklahoma 45,000 10,200 55,200 49,604 11,244 60,848 196,000 41,300 237,300
Oregon 19,800 19,500 39,300 21,826 21,495 43,321 101,000 116,000 217,000
Pennsylvania 102,000 18,100 120,100 112,436 19,952 132,388 580,000 115,000 695,000
Rhode Island 1,780 1,760 3,540 1,962 1,940 3,902 11,400 14,100 25,500
South Carolina 25,700 10,300 36,000 28,329 11,354 39,683 165,000 35,500 200,500
South Dakota 6,780 11,900 18,680 7,474 13,118 20,591 33,600 47,500 81,100
Tennessee 54,900 9,220 64,120 60,517 10,163 70,680 330,000 51,900 381,900
Texas 113,000 82,600 195,600 124,561 91,051 215,612 543,000 413,000 956,000
Utah 7,640 27,600 35,240 8,422 30,424 38,845 38,100 104,000 142,100
Vermont 4,360 4,990 9,350 4,806 5,501 10,307 21,300 22,200 43,500
Virginia 58,900 10,500 69,400 64,926 11,574 76,500 395,000 60,000 455,000
Washington 13,700 43,200 56,900 15,102 47,620 62,722 79,900 223,000 302,900
West Virginia 14,400 1,700 16,100 15,873 1,874 17,747 63,400 8,450 71,850
Wisconsin 36,200 39,000 75,200 39,904 42,990 82,894 151,000 154,000 305,000
Wyoming 4,890 7,710 12,600 5,390 8,499 13,889 23,300 32,100 55,400
Undistributed 12,800 --  12,800 14,110 --  14,110 101,000 --  101,000
United States 1,520,000 1,130,000 2,650,000 1,675,513 1,245,612 2,921,125 8,590,000 5,750,000 14,340,000
Source of Metric and Value Data:  U.S. Geological Survey, Minerals Information, "Crushed Stone and Sand and Gravel in the
Third Quarter of 2003".  Short tons and value of total aggregates calculated by Construction Market Research.
Note: "Crushed Stone and Sand and Gravel in the Third Quarter of 2003" contains many revisions to data previously reported by the U.S.G.S.
Data previously downloaded from this web site should be replaced with this revised data.
Footnotes from USGS Quarterly Report:
XX Not applicable.
1  Quarterly totals shown are estimates based on a sample survey.  Estimated quantities for prior quarters have been recalculated.
2  Data may not add to totals shown because of independent rounding and differences between projected totals by States.
3  Compared with the same period of the previous year, all percentage changes are calculated using unrounded totals.
4  Number of companies reporting for the quarterly survey.
5  State not included in quarterly survey.
6  Owing to a low number of reporting companies, no production estimates by quarters were generated.
7  To avoid disclosing proprietary data, certain State totals do not include all kinds of stone produced within the State; the portion not shown
     has been included with "Other."
This data is provided as a courtesy to web visitors.  Construction Market Research assumes no responsibility for the
validity of this data nor for the outcome of any decisions based on this information.
© 1996-2003 Construction Market Research

Last Updated on 12/8/03

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To convert from Short Tons to Metric Tons - multiply short ton quantity by: 0.90718474
To convert from Metric Tons to Short Tons - multiply metric ton quantity by: 1.1023113

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